Shot by Otis_Inf
Feature | Supported |
Vanilla Photo Mode | No |
Hotsampling | Yes |
DSR | Yes |
Custom Aspect Ratios | Yes |
Reshade | Yes |
Ansel | No |
Graphics API | DirectX 11 |
- Camera tools by Otis_Inf
Features: Camera control, FoV, timestop, hud toggle, higher LODs selector.
Depth buffer access
Recent Reshade versions (3.4.3 and up) have solid depth buffer detection code but sometimes can still make the wrong choice. In Rise of the Tomb Raider especially it can pick the depth buffer which is empty or has Lara without hair. To fix that, use the DisplayDepth shader that comes with reshade to display the depth buffer, go to the DX11 menu in the Reshade overlay and pick a depth buffer that shows Lara with hair. This isn't always necessary but in some situations it is.